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Dreama Brower

Pill bottles

What can I do with all of These Medicine containers?

Almost 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription and more than 50 percent take two – that’s a lot of empty pill containers. What can we do with all of those empty plastic containers? Refuse Contact your pharmacist/supplier and tell them you don’t want plastic containers. Tell them to switch to more commonly recycled #1 or #2 plastic. They may not change their ways immediately but the more pressure consumers put on them the better. Reduce Ask your physician to fill your prescriptions for longer periods if possible. A 90-day refill will use only 1 container whereas three 30-day refills will require 3 pill bottles. Return Box those containers up and send them back to your supplier or deliver them to your pharmacist. Repurpose They… Read More »What can I do with all of These Medicine containers?

A Dowsing Review Article

Dowsing can be defined as ‘the art of knowing.’ Dowsing is often used today to detect a wide range of information from medical diagnosis to the location of lost objects and underground water. This review article by The Scientific and Medical Network aims to cover the history of dowsing and the key theories, controversies, research, and references. Read more  

Installing solar panels on agricultural lands maximizes efficiency and crop yields

A study, in the journal Scientific Reports, finds that if less than 1% of agricultural land was converted to solar panels, it would be sufficient to fulfill global electric energy demand. In previous research by the same authors, they showed that solar panels could increase crop yields on dry, unirrigated farmland. And, a separate study concluded that solar panels would also work well on irrigated fields due to less drought stress and reduced watering requirements. The solar panels also benefit from the cooler environment created by evaporation from the crops. There is a huge potential for solar and agriculture (“agrivoltaics) to work together – a win-win for our food, water, and energy supplies. To read the study abstract go to: Solar PV Power Potential is… Read More »Installing solar panels on agricultural lands maximizes efficiency and crop yields

Water testing kits help determine the quality of your water.

Have you ever wondered how safe your drinking water is? You can easily test for contaminants using a home water testing kit. Don’t wonder whether your water is contaminated – test it.

Tap Water vs. Bottled Water Purity

According to ABC News, most bottled water is nothing more than reprocessed tap water. And, according to the Mayo Clinic, tap and bottled water are comparable in terms of safety (unless you live in a place where the water is known to be contaminated). In fact, tap water is regulated under more stringent standards than bottled water. If you’re still not convinced about the quality of your tap water, you could filter your tap water and still save significant money over the cost of bottled water.  The Cost of Drinking Water Tap Water vs. Bottled Water Bottled water costs approximately 2,000 – 3000 times more than tap water, and Americans drink millions of gallons of it every year. If you drink 64 oz. of water daily, you would… Read More »Tap Water vs. Bottled Water Purity

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Earth Water Alliance celebrates Earth Day every Day. Learn more about Puerto Rico Water Filter Distribution; Puerto Rico’s Sustainable Agriculture Movement; water distribution project on the Navajo Nation at Smith Lake and Baca, New Mexico; flooding at the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, and Dowsing and Intuition in the Classroom.

House, Senate OK Colorado River drought plan, capping years of debate

Both House and Senate versions of the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Authorization Act require that the Interior secretary authorize the water allocation agreement hammered out by the 7 basin states. That deal is designed to prevent a potential water crisis and settle disputes over who gives up water if the river reaches a crisis level.

British Society of Dowsers Spring Symposium

The British Society of Dowsers has announced that their 2019 Spring Symposium will be held on April 6th and 7th at St John’s Campus, University of Worcester, England. The Symposium provides practical experience for attendees with workshops following a half day format including a half hour break midway.  They offer a choice of eight workshops over the weekend, which are repeated so that you won’t miss out on your favorites. Both two day and one day passes are available.  For the full program with workshop descriptions follow this link to the website of British Dowsers. “The British Society of Dowsers, formed in 1933, is the leading organization in the UK for dowsers and exists to encourage the study and enhance the knowledge of dowsing in all its forms… Read More »British Society of Dowsers Spring Symposium

What’s happening with the Colorado River Drought plans?

‘Done’ isn’t done: What’s happening with the Colorado River drought plans? by Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers of KJZZ, published 7 February 2019 “The seven states that rely on the Colorado River for water haven’t been able to finish a series of agreements that would keep its biggest reservoirs, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, from dropping to levels not seen since they were filled decades ago. Five states — Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming and Nevada — are done. So is northern Mexico. But California and Arizona failed to meet the federal government’s Jan. 31 deadline to wrap up negotiations and sign a final agreement.” Read the full article at Cronkite News published by Arizona PBS. Return to Home page.

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