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We invite you to join these events. Earth cannot be changed for the better unless the consciousness of indivicuals changes. With commitment and action, we stillhave an opportunity to build a just, peaceful, and caring world.

Acknowledging our oneness with Earth

When we recognize and acknowledge that All are One,  harming the Earth and each other becomes inconceivable. Once we acknowledge that our individual and human needs have consequences, we realize we cannot continue to degrade the environment. As we each develop a sense of responsibility and ownership for the well being of our earth, it becomes glaringly obvious that our actions effect all and “All are One”  Change is not dependent upon good policies, good leaders, and good politicians, it is dependent upon each of us finding the true meaning of love for nature and the earth. It is dependent upon us integrating that love into our daily lives. When people develop a sense of ownership of the planet, the result is affection and love for… Read More »Acknowledging our oneness with Earth

Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure

Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure The discovery of an ancient Byzantine structure beneath the Eqyptian desert has finally been published in the Fall 2019 issue of the Journal for Scientific Exploration. Although electronic sensors provided no evidence of any structures, modern remote viewers identified the location and orientation of a structure buried along the shores of Lake Maryut in an area approximately 44 km southwest of Alexandria, Egypt.  The article reports on a modern remote viewing experiment in which two remote viewers were asked to locate a building in the buried city of Marea and to describe details of the structure. It includes a comparison with electronic remote sensing and geographical data performed three years earlier that found no evidence of a site at… Read More »Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure

A Dowsing Review Article

Dowsing can be defined as ‘the art of knowing.’ Dowsing is often used today to detect a wide range of information from medical diagnosis to the location of lost objects and underground water. This review article by The Scientific and Medical Network aims to cover the history of dowsing and the key theories, controversies, research, and references. Read more  

British Society of Dowsers Spring Symposium

The British Society of Dowsers has announced that their 2019 Spring Symposium will be held on April 6th and 7th at St John’s Campus, University of Worcester, England. The Symposium provides practical experience for attendees with workshops following a half day format including a half hour break midway.  They offer a choice of eight workshops over the weekend, which are repeated so that you won’t miss out on your favorites. Both two day and one day passes are available.  For the full program with workshop descriptions follow this link to the website of British Dowsers. “The British Society of Dowsers, formed in 1933, is the leading organization in the UK for dowsers and exists to encourage the study and enhance the knowledge of dowsing in all its forms… Read More »British Society of Dowsers Spring Symposium

Intuition into Action

“Intuition into Action” by Earth Water Alliance presented at the 2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference. Forming alliances to promote sacred ecology and advance environmental sustainability.

St. Bonaventure site visit

Steve Herbert and Dreama Brower recently visited St. Bonaventure Indian School and Mission to verify the dowsed location for a well being drilled at Smith Lake. They also visited a family with an installed cistern system for improved water storage and provided an introduction to dowsing to staff at the mission.

Steven Herbert Receives Certificate of Appreciation

Steven Herbert was presented a Certificate of Appreciation at the 2016 ASD annual meeting. Steve was honored for has 18 years of unparalleled volunteer service to the Water for Humanity Fund (WFHF). Steve is now volunteering with Earth Water Alliance, a nonprofit organization that was created at the invitation of ASD when it decided to discontinue the WFHF. Earth Water Alliance looks forward to opportunities to provide clean water and sanitation to under-served populations.

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