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Snowpack in trouble across the West and around the globe

Snowpack in trouble across the West and around the globe, reseachers say by Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star, published 18 December 2018, updated 22 December 2018 “From the Colorado Rockies to the Tibetan Plateau to the Greenland Sea, snowpack that provides billions of people with drinking water is suffering long-term declines, researchers said at a national conference last week” Two Arizona researchers found that total snowpack in the Colorado River Basin’s mountain ranges had declined a little more than 40% between 1982 and 2016. Another global study found that water supplies of more than one-sixth of the world’s population is at risk due to declining snowpack. Read the full article at news Return to Home page.

Fourth National Climate Assessment

The Fourth National Climate Assessment is now available. The dramatic findings show that global warming is not only occurring, it is rapidly getting worse. The findings confirm that human activities are the primary cause of global warming and that it will have devastating effects if not addressed immediately.

Global Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report

Climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to increase with global warming of 1.5°C and increase further with 2°C. Global Warming of 1.5°C is the first in a series of Special Reports to be produced in the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change’s (“IPCC”) Sixth Assessment Cycle. The report finds that limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require “rapid and far-reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. Global net human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030,reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050. This means that any remaining emissions would need to be balanced by removing CO2 from the air. “The good news is that some of the kinds… Read More »Global Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report

Climate Change is On A Roll

Near-stationary waves in the jet stream produced record July temperatures in regions around globe, particularly in western US and Canada and across Europe. This is the face of climate change.

Intuition into Action

“Intuition into Action” by Earth Water Alliance presented at the 2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference. Forming alliances to promote sacred ecology and advance environmental sustainability.

Our Responsibility to the Earth

Our Responsibility to the Earth | by Dr. Alan K. Betts Spring came late in Vermont, as the daffodils did not start opening in Pittsford until April 18, and the forsythia were 10 days later. Rain for days on end from slow moving weather systems led to substantial flooding. The grass grew profusely weeks before it was dry enough to mow. I planted cool-weather crops, lettuce, kale and broccoli, by the first of May, and by now even the summer squash and tomatoes are growing fast. Earth Day was a Sunday this year. In the morning I spoke at the Dorset Church about our failing to accept our deep responsibilities to the Earth. In the afternoon, I spoke to a group called “Earth Matters”… Read More »Our Responsibility to the Earth

UN Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018

According to the United Nations: “The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018 found that conflict and climate change were major contributing factors leading to growing numbers of people facing hunger and forced displacement, as well as curtailing progress towards universal access to basic water and sanitation services.” Read the report.

Global Water Scarcity

We live on a planet covered by water, but more than 97% is salty. That leaves only a fraction of 1% of the earth’s total water supply to grow our crops, provide for industrial use, and supply drinking water. Eighty nations now have serious water problems that are expected to become severe within 20 years. Ensuring adequate food and water for all hinges upon the responsible management of our natural resources.

2017 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report – Our second year has been productive and inspiring thanks to all of you who have joined us on our sacred earth journey. Highlights of the year include: Through our alliances with Sawyer Products, Agape Flights, Love the Nations, LYNC8 Project, La Perla, and all of their volunteer distribution networks on the ground in Puerto Rico we delivered approximately $10,000 worth of Sawyer bucket-style water filter kits to 200 individuals, families, communities and water distribution centers to: Aguadilla, Aguada, Añasco, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Bayamon,Caimito, Cayey, Corazal, Dorado, Guaynabo, Gurabo, the neighborhood of Las Cuevas in Loiza, Mayagüez, Orocobis, Rincon, San Juan, Santurce and Trujillo Alto. Members also responded directly to our call for action by sending water filters and supplies directly to Puerto… Read More »2017 Annual Report

Sawyer Bucket Filter Assembly and Maintenance

Watch this video to see how to set up and maintain your sawyer bucket filter. Watch video now. Sawyer Bucket Systems are Not Sold Public but Can be obtained by contacting Sawyer International here. Sawyer water filters can be purchased from Amazon: PointOne All-in-One Filtration Kit with 32 oz. Squeezable pouch MINI Water Filtration System We are a participant in the AmazonSmile program, a simple and automatic way for you too supper out charity every time you shop, at no cost to you. To participate, go to and select Earth Water Alliance Inc. as your charity. Updated 15 May 2022 to refresh Video Link, add link to contact Sawyer International, and exclude products no longer Available at  

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