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Heart Labrynth in Stone

Our Earth is in agony – Together we can change The future

Peace eludes us All over the world, there is endless hatred, envy, jealousy, and violence. Nations are in social disaray, economic disparities threaten families and communities, people are treated inhumanely, and species are being driven to extinction. Our world is suffering. Our planet is being destroyed as Earth’s ecosystems are exploited and treated with disdain and disregard. Many humans are being pushed beyond their ability to think clearly and compassionately. People, animals and plants that inhabit this earth with us deserve protection, preservation, and care. As humans, we have a special responsibility to protect our Earth and its environment for future generations. It is in our power to open our hearts more to each other with compassion in our interactions. We must cultivate living in… Read More »Our Earth is in agony – Together we can change The future

Calm Water

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2:46-48

“The posture of yoga is steady and easy.It is realized by relaxing one’s effort and resting like the cosmic serpent on the waters of infinity.Then one is unconstrained by opposing dualities.” –Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2:46-48, translated by Barbara Stoler Miller

There is Hope for Climate Change

Submitted by Ed Ewert All of the apocalyptic news involving our climate crisis can push us into a climate despair, an overwhelming sense of helplessness, depression and resignation.  This despair can cause us to shut down and ignore climate change as a way to get through our days without being constantly depressed.  Unfortunately, that response only leads to the worst possible outcomes.  That’s unacceptable.  As stated by renowned climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe, to overcome this crisis we must make our climate crisis a part of our everyday conversation.  Only in that way can we convince our leaders to take the urgent and bold actions needed to save our planet.   Yet, how do we keep talking about something that we want to ignore?  The key… Read More »There is Hope for Climate Change

Update – British Society of Dowsers 2020 Symposium

Due to the coronavirus, The British Society of Dowsers has postponed their 2020 Symposium until Saturday, 12 September 2020. As previously announced, it will will be held at the Croft Suite, Worcester Racecourse Conference Centre, Pitchcroft, Worcester, Engand. Presentations include: Dowsing in service to the hive; Rollright Stones 6000 years ago to date; Nutrition – the good, the bad & the ugly; Earth Energies – Denbigh Castle, time zones & transformations. For additional information and to register, visit or send an email to

Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure

Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure The discovery of an ancient Byzantine structure beneath the Eqyptian desert has finally been published in the Fall 2019 issue of the Journal for Scientific Exploration. Although electronic sensors provided no evidence of any structures, modern remote viewers identified the location and orientation of a structure buried along the shores of Lake Maryut in an area approximately 44 km southwest of Alexandria, Egypt.  The article reports on a modern remote viewing experiment in which two remote viewers were asked to locate a building in the buried city of Marea and to describe details of the structure. It includes a comparison with electronic remote sensing and geographical data performed three years earlier that found no evidence of a site at… Read More »Remote Viewers Locate Ancient Byzantine Structure

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