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Emergency Planning

Tropical Storm Irene Flooding

Prepare Disaster Plan and Emergency Supply Kit Now

What is Disaster Preparedness? Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken in advance of a disaster to mitigate the impact and help with survival. Preparedness includes assessing your risk, creating an emergency management plan, assembling an emergency supply kit, creating a crisis communications plan, and planning for an alternate location. Assess Your Risks Based on a combination of experience, forecasting, subject matter expertise, and other available resources, develop a list of threats and hazards that could affect your family, business, or community. Threats and hazards can be organized into three categories: Natural hazards: acts of nature Technological hazards: accidents or the failures of systems and structures Human-caused incidents: the intentional actions of an adversary Assess the likelihood of an identified threat or hazard affecting the community… Read More »Prepare Disaster Plan and Emergency Supply Kit Now

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