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Native Americans Return to their roots

“Food insecurity amid COVID-19 prompts Native Americans to return to their roots” by Katelyn Reinhart, published at Cronkite News, 3 August 2020 “From a traditional hogan in a remote area on the Utah-Arizona line, Cynthia Wilson spent much of her spring sourcing drought-resistant seeds, packing them in small manila envelopes and labeling them to ship to families across the Four Corners.” “Wilson’s upbringing was immersed in Diné culture. Her grandfather was a medicine man, her mother an herbalist. Wilson is a nutritionist who directs the traditional foods program for Utah Diné Bikéyah, a nonprofit that promotes the healing of people and the Earth through conservation of tribal lands.” “She grew up understanding the connection to food, its role in tradition and culture, ceremony and cures. When COVID-19 began… Read More »Native Americans Return to their roots

In Praise Of the Earth

by John O’Donohue Let us blessThe imagination of the Earth,That knew early the patienceTo harness the mind of time,Waited for the seas to warm,Ready to welcome the emergenceOf things dreaming of voyagingAmong the stillness of land. And how light knew to nurseThe growth until the face of the EarthBrightened beneath a vision of color. When the ages of ice cameAnd sealed the Earth insideAn endless coma of cold,The heart of the Earth held hope,Storing fragments of memory,Ready for the return of the sun. Let us thank the EarthThat offers ground for homeAnd holds our feet firmTo walk in space openTo infinite galaxies. Let us salute the silenceAnd certainty of mountains:Their sublime stillness,Their dream-filled hearts. The wonder of a gardenTrusting the first warmth of springUntil its black… Read More »In Praise Of the Earth

Climate Reality Leadership Conference UPDATE

Join former Vice President Al Gore at an on-line virtual Climate Reality Leadership Corps training July 18-26, 2020 and learn how you can lead the global fight for climate solutions. Application Deadline June 25, 2020.

Welcome to the Earth Water Alliance Blog!

Welcome to the Earth Water Alliance Blog! We look forward to sharing information with you about climate challenges, solutions, and tapping into our intuitive knowledge for climate change action. Thank you for joining us in this journey and sharing your inspiration and intuitive knowing thru actionable solutions. Join us by sharing your comments, suggestions, and stories. Updated January 14, 2019

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